React js
React with DotNet

Technical Details

How does it work? How are React and C# languages connected?

ReactWithDotNet is working on the .net core. Creates ReactNode hierarchy in c# language then serialize to client.

ReactWithDotNet client engine recalculates React nodes from incoming c# generated nodes.

If any react event occurs then serialize only sub react node informations to server.

Lets see what is incoming from server to client

Lets see what is outgoing from client to server

As you can see at images, main idea is server driven UI, just like react server components.Client component tree can be shown by using 'React Developer Tools'

Main differences server is not nodejs, language is not typescript or js.
Server is .NetCore server and language is c# language.

As a result; power of two technology is combined. We have many benefits of c# language and serverside approach and react components flexibility.